Sunday, January 27, 2008


I believe that as a Christian there are certain limitations as to what you shoud do in an acting position. I think it is hard to draw a definite line for everyone because I think everyone sets standards based on what they believe is right. At the risk of sounding like a moral reletivist I believe that trying to push your beliefs on others is legalistic. As long as peopole are within moral and biblical standards I think they're ok. I have much more to say...but I'm really tired...goodnight =)

Effects of Hyperreality...

The term hyperreality is defined as the "inability to distinguish reality from fantasy. Hyperreality redefines reality. It changes waht we view as "real." The most widely used example is the power that the media has to radically shape and filter situations and experiences and depict an entirely different message. Things that are "Hyper-real" are things we have come up with. We use words to express thing, when in reality words are nothing...we live in Hyper-reality. Movies depict love as a moment where a guy and a girl have fallen in love and, typically, they kiss in front of a sunset scene, with violins and cellos playing in the background. When was the last time you were making out with someone and random classical theme music errupted from nowhere? Right, never. But when you think about a perfect date, you tend to picture something along the lines of a beach, at sunset, with that same classical theme music, and the whole scene fades to black. Life isn't what is depcted in most movies. You eliminate reality when you cram someone's life into 2 hours of filmography and theme music. You make life into Hyperreality, because you tell a "story." When in reality you've not begun to scratch the surface of the story. Movies and other sources of media are a clip of a story. Life goes on for the characters after the screen fades to're just left in the dark (pun intended).

Basically, Hyperreality has had a tremendous effect on society. It has altered everything we think about, and forced us into a fake existence...

I'm glad you assigned this. I know it was supposed to be punishment cause some of our classmates are "DB's" but I thoroughly enjoyed reading about this, and I'm very opinionated on this topic...this is actually the basis for the book I'm writing, so it helped alot.


Sunday, January 20, 2008


I believe that Postmodernism is, like everything else, is something that must be asessed. There are truths and falsehoods to everything. I believe the best way for us as Christians to counter postmodernism is with truth. Postmodernism denies absolute tuth...we need to prove that it exists.

Peace Out

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why end on a boat?

This movie was so messed up you could basically come up with any number of crazy explainations as to why it ends on a boat. I believe it sums up the feeling of the story. The characters seem to be just wandering the earth with no steady direction or destination (like a ship). They seem to be floationg through their existence, swaying back and forth with every turn of the plot (like a ship). They seem to be at the mercy of other factors in the story, never determining their own course (like a ship).

The ship is symbolic of their lives as they relate to the story.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Escaping the Colony

Tonight I foud a man in Kent that I see quite frequently asking for money. He is a homeless man in Kent. I approached him and spoke to him briefly on the street. After getting some of his story I asked him if he'd like a cup of coffee. We went to Starbucks and sat and had coffee and scones. Our conversation lasted around 45 miniutes. It was cool to get his story and be able to change my perspective a little bit.

(I'll give details about his story in class)


Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I believe the game of questions is a great thing to add to a play about existence. I personally think it is added because we, as humans, naturally question our existence. What are we, who are we, and where did we come from? Our existence itself means nothing if we don't realize that it does in fact exist...if that make sense...sorry.

It kinda goes with the quote..."I think therefore I am."
How do I know I the very fact that I am questioning my existence.

(hope that works...might be too short)